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刘泱育/Dr Yangyu Liu现为南京财经大学新闻学院副教授/Associate Professor, School of Journalism, Nanjing University of Finance & Economics, China新闻与传播(专硕)、工商​管理(学硕)研究生导师/Mentor of Journalism & Communication (professional master) and Media Management (academic master)电子邮箱/E-mail:nanjinglyy@163.com微信公众号:研情偶寄/WeChat Public Account: Dr_yangyu_liu教育背景/Education...


刘泱育/DrYangyu Liu





现为南京财经大学新闻学院副教授/Associate Professor, School of Journalism, Nanjing University of Finance & Economics, China

新闻与传播(专硕)、工商管理(学硕)研究生导师/Mentor of Journalism & Communication (professional master) and Media Management (academic master)


微信公众号:研情偶寄/WeChat Public Account: Dr_yangyu_liu

教育背景/Education Background

南京师范大学新闻与传播学院博士,导师:倪延年教授/(Ph.D, Nanjing Normal University, Mentor:ProfessorYannian Ni

复旦大学新闻学院博士后,导师:陈建云教授/(Postdoctoral fellow, School of Journalism, Fudan University,Mentor:ProfessorJianyun Chen)

伦敦政治经济学院媒体与传播系访问学者,导师:尼克·库尔德利教授/(Visiting Fellow, Department of Media and Communication, The London School of Economics and Political Science(LSE),from Aug.2019 to Aug.2020,Mentor:ProfessorNick Couldry)

教学奖励/Teaching Rewards

2011年,获南京财经大学新进教师教学竞赛一等奖/In 2011, he won the first prize of the New Teacher Teaching Competition of Nanjing University of Finance & Economics.

2015年,获南京财经大学第8届“我最喜爱的老师”/In 2015, he won the 8th "My Favorite Teacher" of Nanjing University of Finance & Economics.

2017年,获南京财经大学教学公开赛一等奖/In 2017, he won the first prize of the Teachers' Teaching Open Competition of Nanjing University of Finance & Economics.

荣誉/Honorary Title

江苏省“333”工程高层次人才/The high-level talents of the “333” project of Jiangsu Province.

江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师/The outstanding young backbone teacher of the “Blue Project” of Jiangsu Province

南京财经大学首批青年拔尖人才/The firstly selected young talents of Nanjing University of Finance & Economics

学术职务/Academic Posts


Dr Yangyu Liu is the executive director of the Committee of the Chinese Journalism and Communication Education History Association (National Secondary Association).He is the executive director of the Committee of the Chinese Local Journalism History Association (National Secondary Association) and the board member of the Jiangsu Journalism and Communication Association.


Dr Yangyu Liu is also a member of the editorial board of the Chinese Journalism and Communication Education Yearbook and reviewer for several journals including Journalism & Communication (Edited by Institute of Journalism and Communication, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.Top academic journals in the field of media and communication in China.)

研究兴趣/Research Interests

(1)新闻教育/Journalism and Communication Education

(2)新媒体与政治传播/New Media and Political Communication

(3)媒介社会学/Media Sociology

代表性课题/ Selected Projects

2013年,主持国家社科基金项目——“政务微博意见领袖形成机制的经济学分析”(13CXW047),经费:18万元/Liu Yangyu(2013), “An Economic Analysis of the Formation Mechanism of Opinion Leaders on Chinese Government Affairs Micro-blogging”,(Grant No.13CXW047), funded by National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science, Funding RMB.¥180,000.

2016年,主持中国博士后科学基金第9批特等资助项目——“影响将来有影响的人:中国新闻传播学博士培养系谱研究”(2016T90331),经费:15万元/Liu Yangyu(2016), “Cultivating the Future Influencers: A Historical Research of Genealogy Perspective on the Doctoral Student Cultivation of Journalism & Communication Education of China”,(Grant No.2016T90331), funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Funding RMB.¥150,000.

2019年,主持国家社科基金项目——“政务新媒体回应重大舆论关切的专家介入机制研究”(19BXW066),经费:20万元/Liu Yangyu(2019), “A Research on the Expert Intervention Mechanism of Government Affairs New Media Responding to Major Public Opinion Concerns”,(Grant No.19BXW037), funded by National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science, Funding RMB.¥200,000.

代表性论文/Selected Papers

刘泱育:《“苏报案”到底结束于何时?》,《国际新闻界》2011年第2期,中国人民大学主办/Yangyu Liu,“When did ‘the Su-pao Case’ end up”,Chinese Journal of International Communication,2011(2). (Edited by School of Journalism, Renmin University of China)

刘泱育:《“自我实现”视阈下的学术争鸣:在“理”与“礼”之间》,《现代传播》2014年第1期,中国传媒大学主办/Yangyu Liu,“A Research on the Methods of Academic Debates under the Perspective of Self Actualization:Between ‘Reason’ and ‘Etiquette’”,Modern Communication,2014(1). (Edited by Communication University of China)

刘泱育:《我国地方政务微博“上情下达”传播效能研究》,《新闻大学》2017年第1期,复旦大学主办/Yangyu Liu,“Communication Efficacy of the LocalGovernment Affairs Micro-blogging in China: Evidence from the Central Government Work Report by the Official Sina Micro-blogging in 31 Provincial Capital Cities”,Journalism Bimonthly,2017(1). (Edited by School of Journalism, Fudan University of China)

刘泱育:《从“型构”到“互型”:媒介化理论核心概念“figuration”来龙去脉》,《新闻与传播研究》2022年第3期,中国社会科学院新闻与传播研究所主办/Yangyu Liu,“From xinggou to huxing: The Context of Mediatization Theory’s Core Concept of ‘figuration’”,Journalism & Communication,2022(3). (Edited by Institute of Journalism and Communication, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

近年的著作/ Recent Books

刘泱育:《以兴趣为职业的“记”者:方汉奇传》,南京:江苏人民出版社,2016(中央电视台与凤凰出版传媒集团联合打造“大家丛书”)/Yangyu Liu,A Biography of Chinese Journalism Historian Prof. Hanqi Fang,Nanjing: Jiangsu People’s Publishing House,2016.

刘泱育:《政务微博意见领袖形成机制的经济学分析》,北京:人民日报出版社,2019(国家社科基金项目结项成果)/Yangyu Liu,An Economic Analysis of the Formation Mechanism of Opinion Leaders on Chinese Government Affairs Micro-blogging,Beijing: People’s Daily Press,2019.

刘泱育:《学人与学科:以方汉奇影响力为中心》,南京:南京师范大学出版社,2022(北京大学新闻学研究会学术文库)/Yangyu Liu,Scholars and Discipline: A Research Centered around the Influence of Chinese Journalism Historian Prof. Hangqi Fang,Nanjing: Nanjing Normal University Press,2022.

[英]尼克·库尔德利[德]安德烈亚斯·赫普:《现实的中介化建构》,刘泱育译,上海:复旦大学出版社,2023/ Nick Couldry & Andreas Hepp. (2023)The Mediated Construction of Reality(Chinese Version, Translator:Yangyu Liu), Shanghai: Fudan University Press.

